Welcome to the second post about fun and interesting Konglish words! While looking into Konglish, I found so many entertaining and commonly used terms. Today, let’s learn some of these words that are frequently used in everyday conversation.
아이쇼핑 (Eye Shopping)
Did you guess what "아이쇼핑" means? It’s literally "shopping with your eyes," which refers to browsing stores without making any purchases. In English, it’s the same as "window shopping."
아이쇼핑이나 할까요? (Shall we do some window shopping?)
노트북 (Notebook)
In English, "notebook" refers to a paper notebook. However, in Konglish, it has a completely different meaning!
"노트북" in Konglish actually means "laptop." The term "노트북" for laptops first started in Japan, where the name was inspired by the way laptops fold open like a notebook. So what do we call a real "notebook" (the paper kind) in Korea? You can say "공책" or just "노트."
새 노트북을 샀어요. (I bought a new laptop.)
헬스 (Health)
In Konglish, "헬스" can mean "health," but more commonly, it refers to a "gym." Specifically, it’s used for gyms where you can do weight training or cardio exercises. You might also hear "헬스장," which adds the Korean word "장" (meaning "place") to describe a gym.
저 요즘 헬스 해요. (These days, I’m working out at the gym.)
저 요즘 헬스장 다녀요. (These days, I’m going to the gym.)
에어컨 (Air Con)
"에어컨" is short for "Air Conditioner," a pretty straightforward Konglish word that comes from English. This one should be easy to remember!
에어컨 좀 켜 주세요. (Please turn on the air conditioner.)